Hamsayeh International – January 2021 Update

Amir grew up in the Middle East. Despite being the son of a local Imam he came to the Lord in his late teens through a faithful friend after privately studying the Scriptures. As his faith and confidence grew so did the persecution and finally he had no other option but to leave his family and country behind. He then went on to serve the Lord in Afghanistan and India, eventually coming to the UK for further Biblical study.

In London he met Clare, who is originally from Northern Ireland, and after their marriage in August 2009 they joined ranks to serve Farsi speakers from Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. God blessed them with a beautiful boy, Jalal, in August 2011. Also in that year they established Hamsayeh International to facilitate a more focused and contextual approach to Farsi speakers. Today the ministry includes local outreach in the form of the Treasure House and a new and exciting project called Radio Hamdam (www.hamdam.co). Through this mechanism many are being reached with the Gospel and discipled in Farsi. For further details of the work of Hamsayeh International please refer to the website ( www.hiuk.org).